Bova UK Podcast
A veterinary specials podcast, bringing you the latest industry updates. We aim to provide an insight into Bova UK and also provide bite-sized discussions on diagnosis, treatment, and management of specific diseases or conditions.
Podcasting since 2022 • 16 episodes
Bova UK Podcast
Latest Episodes
Antibiotic Course Duration
By Dr Fergus Allerton BSc BVSc CertSAM Dip ECVIM-CA FRCVSEuropean Veterinary Specialist in Small Animal Internal Medicine Introducing the “Short Antibiotic Courses" Podcast. The podcast that promises to get you thinking!...
Anthelmintic Resistance
ByProf Jane HodgkinsonDavid Rendle BVSc MVM CertEM(IntMed) DipECEIM FRCVSRCVS and European Specialist in Equine Internal MedicineProf Kris Hughes BVSc (Hons) FANZCVS (Equine Medicine) DipECEIM AssocACVIM<...
Antibiotic Amnesty
By Dr Fergus Allerton BSc BVSc CertSAM Dip ECVIM-CA MRCVSEuropean Veterinary Specialist in Small Animal Internal MedicineIntroducing "The Antibiotic Amnesty" Podcast.🎧 Are you ready to join the frontline in the battle ...
Season 1
Episode 1
The "whys and how's" of phosphate restriction in cats with CKD
By Dr Rosanne Jepson BVSc MVetMed PhD DipACVIM DipECVIM PGCertVetEd FHEA MRCVS Associate Professor Small Animal Internal Medicine at the RVC and Dr. Sarah Caney BVSc PhD DSAM(Feline) MRCVS CEO of Vet Professionals.Sarah Caney an...
Season 1
Episode 12
An update on Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP)
With Dr. Emi Barker BSc (hons) BVSc (hons) PhD PGCertTLHE DipECVIM-CA MRCVS and Dr. Samantha Taylor BVetMed(Hons) CertSAM DipECVIM-CA MANZCVS FRCVSRenowned feline specialists Dr. Samantha Taylor and Dr. Emi Barker di...
Season 1
Episode 12