Bova UK Podcast
A veterinary specials podcast, bringing you the latest industry updates. We aim to provide an insight into Bova UK and also provide bite-sized discussions on diagnosis, treatment, and management of specific diseases or conditions.
Bova UK Podcast
The "whys and how's" of phosphate restriction in cats with CKD
By Dr Rosanne Jepson BVSc MVetMed PhD DipACVIM DipECVIM PGCertVetEd FHEA MRCVS Associate Professor Small Animal Internal Medicine at the RVC and Dr. Sarah Caney
BVSc PhD DSAM(Feline) MRCVS CEO of Vet Professionals.
Sarah Caney and Rosanne Jepson join together for this podcast episode, with the mutual joy of a past lecturer and student relationship rekindled. The imperative timing of diagnosis, and when to start the cat on an appropriate renal diet, for the stage of CKD, is discussed in great detail. Sarah and Rosanne talk about the importance of the owner, vet, and nurse working together as a team, the owner should be encouraged to have regular contact with the practice, to feel supported and educated, for improved compliance.
But what happens when the phosphate continues to increase, beyond what is recommended by the International Renal Interest Society (IRIS)? Sarah and Rosanne discuss when it is appropriate to introduce phosphate binders to the cats’ diet and other strategies that can be considered.
If you would like more information on anything discussed during this podcast episode, please email us at office@bova.co.uk