Bova UK Podcast
A veterinary specials podcast, bringing you the latest industry updates. We aim to provide an insight into Bova UK and also provide bite-sized discussions on diagnosis, treatment, and management of specific diseases or conditions.
Bova UK Podcast
Mycophenolate. What, When, How and Why
By Darren Kelly MVB, DipECVIM-CA, MRCVS EBVS® European Specialist in Small Animal Internal Medicine, and Emma Jones Sales, Director at Bova UK. During this episode, Darren firstly gives you an insight into Veterinary Specialists Online, for which he is one of the medicine specialists, offering support and assistance to the veterinary profession with first-line vets and video and telephone consult with pet owners. Emma and Darren then discuss the use of mycophenolate to treat immune-mediated diseases. Darren talks about how the drug works, the dose rates, diseases, and potential side effects.